

任何工具没有最好的,只有最适合的. 自动化测试工具也是如此. 针对不同的公司,不同的应用,如何挑选最适合自己的自动化测试工具?


List of points on which the new automation tool for functional and

regression testing is evaluated:

1. Ability to Identify all controls i.e. support Custom controls

2. Number of controls supported - Windows, IE, Netscape, .Net, Java

3. Number of OS Lang supported - English, Japanese, French etc.,

4. Number of DBs supported - MSSQL, Oracle, DB2 etc, [Execution of

Simple queries, Sprocs, Resultset, etc]

5. Number of environments supported - win32, web

6. Ability to read write from different sources [db, txt, word, excel,

reg etc.,]

7. Should have good error handling mechanism.

8. Dependencies on hardware/software - any new hardware/software to be


9. Ability to run with out the software being installed on each and

every machine.

10.Ability to interact with other interfaces [software's] - API's

11.Should be easy to learn and use.

12.Operational constraints - cost\support\training.

13.Tool should have good reference for its acceptance.

14.Tool should have backward compatibility.

15.Tool should be pluggable to standard test frameworks available in

the industry.

16.Ability to Analyze results, generate report and send it across.

[Even though it falls under framework.]




List of Questions to the tool vendors.

1.What does this tool do?

2.What are the benefits of using this tool?

3.How can this tool solve my problems?

4.Which of my current problems can and can't this tool help with?

5.Will you demonstrate your tool using our tests on our site?

6.What environment is needed to run this tool?

7.How much disk space does it use?

8.What influence do tool users have on future development of the tool?

9.Can tests be re-run in debug mode within the tool?

10.What is the market share of this tool?

11.How do you define market share?

12.Why is this tool better than other similar tools?

13.What proportion of tools sold is providing real benefits to the

organizations, which bought them?

14.What will I have to do to be sure to succeed with this tool?

15.What local support is available?

16.Training, consultancy, help desk, Service Level Agreement for

resolution of problems, technical expertise in our area?

17.What effort is needed in-house by us to support the tool?

18.What test-planning standards need to be in place to gain real

benefits from using this tool?

19.What features are included to ease the learning curve for the tool?

20.How do other sites usually work with the tool?

21.Is there a user group/Forum/Seminar, and can I attend the next


22.Can you give me the names of reference sites

23.Can I meet with at least two users who are achieving real benefits

using this tool?

24.How many versions have been released in the past year?

25.Do you release a defect list with the product?

26.How many known defects are there in the tool currently?

27.What kind of tailoring / customization is possible for this tool?

28.What extensions / add-ons / in-house routines have other users


29.How does this tool integrate with other tools?

30.How long will it take to achieve real payback from this tool?

31.Can you help me estimate how much effort will be involved in

implementing this tool in my organization?
