
Hotel California

关于Eagles的“Hotel California”,的介绍几乎多到泛滥。从六七十年代摇滚乐的繁荣上升时期以来,数不清的人们被这首绝世佳作深深地打动.有些乐队不但多产,而且精 品甚多,Eagles也是这样,但是正因为这首“加州旅馆”太过出色,以至人们只记得Eagles是唱"加州旅馆"的乐队。在九天音乐有整整一张cd,全 是“加州旅馆”的不同版本的演绎。但是总归最最动人的,最最经典的,还是Eagles自己演绎的Unplugged版本,只有吉他,鼓声伴奏。步入中年的 Eagles,光芒四射的舞台,唯一被人们记住的“Hotel California”,歌词里如同宿命般断言:你永远也离不开“Hotel California”,了,Eagles的终生成就,似乎只有这首“Hotel California”,霜华染鬓,怕见人去,不如帘儿底下,静静听人欢笑。灯影车流中,穿越喧嚣繁华,“热闹是他们的,我什么也没有。”现场歌迷们的喝 彩声浪里,是不被真正理解的Eagles的寂寞。借用中国的一句古语“成也萧何、败也萧何”,可能是《Hotel California》太成功了,以后,The Eagles再也没有创作出超过《Hotel California》的作品。或许是听众们太苛刻了,他们对这首歌曲近乎于崇拜的喜爱已使他们忽略了The Eagles其他的单曲。更有甚者,传说The Eagles到日本举行演唱会,演唱会第一支曲子就安排的是Hotel California,但演唱完了这首曲子之后,音乐会就走了近一半的人。

the eagles(老鹰乐队)

  On a dark desert highway.
  Cool wind in my hair.
  Warm smell of colitas rising
  Up through the air Up ahead in the distance.
  I saw a shimmering light
  My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
  I had to stop for the night
  There she stood in the doorway
  I heard the mission bell
  And I was thinking to myself

  This could be heaven or this could be hell
  Then she lit up a candle
  And she showed me the way
  There were voices down in corridor
  I thought I heard them say... ...
  Welcome to the Hotel California
  Such a lovely place (such a lovely face)
  There's plenty of rooms at the
  Hotel California
  Any time of year you can find it here

  Her mind is Tiffany-twisted
  She got the Mercedes-Benz
  She got a lot of pretty,
  Pretty boys that she calls friends
  How they dance in the courtyard
  Sweet summer sweat
  Some dance to remember
  Some dance to forget
  So I called up the captain
  Please bring me my wine
  He said we haven't had that spirit
  Here since nineteen sixty nine
  And still those voices are

  Calling from far away
  Wake you up in the middle of the night
  Just to hear them say... ...
  Welcome to the Hotel
  California Such a lovely place
  (such a lovely face)
  They livin'it up at the Hotel California
  What a nice surprise bring your alibis
  Mirrors on the ceilling
  The pink champagne on ice

  And she said we are all just prisoners
  Here of our own device
  And in the master's chambers
  They gathered for the feast
  They stab it with their steely knives
  But they just can't kill the beast

  Last thing I remember,
  I was running for the door
  I had to find the passage back
  To the place I was before
  Relax said programmed to receive
  You can check out any time you like
  But you can never leave

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